Learning Center
Brand strategy: How to make an impact.
Brand identity can be fleeting in a time where everyone’s got a catchy name and a website. Creating a high impact brand and building a community around your brand can help your medium to long [...]
Affiliate lead magnets. An essential guide.
Affiliate lead magnets are a type of incentive that can draw a huge amount of people to your website. If you’ve got a good following on your blog but want to release your first eBook [...]
Five factors that affect the value of gold
Looking back at the year that was 2016, so many events - from politics to entertainment to economics - have influenced the way we look at things and how people conduct business as usual. And [...]
Myth: Building a business with no startup capital is impossible
“It can’t be done.” “That’s simply impossible.” These are all too familiar responses to the idea that starting a business can be done with next to zero up front capital. Well, at Refinement Services, we [...]
Turn website content into meaningful conversations
In an earlier article we discussed the importance of creating website content that sparks conversations with your audiences as a means to keep them coming back. But while you can find countless articles online that [...]
The art of the conversation. Why blogging for your website is so important
Affiliate marketing sites have always been very salesy and full of "sell now" and "make money fast" tag lines that don't serve the needs of either gold sellers nor affiliates. In fact, many sellers are [...]